

UME影城是CMC Inc.华人文化成员企业、华人文化电影院线成员。


UME is a member company of CMC Inc. and a member of the Chinese Culture Cinema Line.



UME是英文“Ultimate Movie Experience”的缩写,意为“非凡 · 电影 · 体验”,于2002年始发于北京,随着华星店的华丽绽放开启了中国多厅高端影城的新纪元,迄今为止,已经历经22年稳步发展。


UME refers to the ‘Ultimate Movie Experience’, which is dedicated to bringing a significant cineplex vibe to users. Start from 2002 in Beijing, UME Huaxing store in Beijing sparked the genesis of the Chinese multi-hall upmarket movie center, which has experienced more than 22 years of stable development.



2017年CMC Inc.华人文化集团公司全资收购UME影城,作为华人文化旗下知名影城品牌,协同CMC Inc.华人文化集团公司以头部内容为核心的电影全产业链中的开发、制作、国内国际发行等优质资源,深入强化精品院线实力,获得了更为深厚的产业资源支撑及强大的后续发展动力。


In 2017, CMC Inc. wholly acquired UME. As a well-known cinema brand of CMC Inc. UME cooperates with CMC Inc. in the entir-industry development focusing on top content, production, and High-quality resources such as domestic and international distribution, in-depth strengthening the boutique theaters, and obtained more profound industrial resource support and robust long-term momentum.





In 2019, UME won the "Top 10 Best Cinema Operating Companies" in the China Entertainment Index Ceremony and Yien Entertainment Data. The total box office in 2020 ranks top 10 among all cinema brands around the country . Till June2024, UME has operated 64 cinemas (including franchise stores) in 25 cities across China.


UME影城一直秉承“非凡 · 电影 · 体验”的经营理念,来完成让消费者真正体验到电影的神奇与美好的使命。


UME has always been adhering to the business philosophy of "Ultimate Movie Experience" to reach the mission of bringing the consumers the authentic movie experience of magic and beauty.


在影城建造上,以“因为专业,所以领先”为准则,在硬件设备上采用时下最新技术:IMAX、、中国巨幕、UME DMAX、LUXE、4DX、CINITY、Onyx LED、杜比全景声、激光放映、DTS:X临境音等等。


In terms of construction, in accordance with the principle of ‘being the lead for professionals’,  and adopting the innovative technologies nowadays on hardware devices, UME has been facilitated with IMAX, CGS,UME DMAX,, LUXE, 4DX, CINITY, Onyx LED, Dolby Atmos, Laser Screenings, DTS:X immersive sound, etc.




In terms of soft services, "people-oriented purpose, starting from the details" provides the audience with a meticulous and distinguished experience. High-standard screening quality, warm and smiling welcome, and the unique and rich film culture atmosphere have enabled UME to win the title of "Most Fashionable Cinema", "Single-seat Highest Output Cinema", "Most Fashionable Cinema", "Single-Seat Output Highest Cinema", etc. "Single-day box office champion cinema", "Shanghai International Film Festival, Beijing International Film Festival Designated Screening Cinema" and other awards, has become a leader in the operating efficiency of the cinema industry.




In the future, UME will continue to maintain the spirit of professional ingenuity, pursue leadership, pursue quality, focus on training, and create a youth vibe, so as to to provide audiences with a cultural and fashionable entertainment space of movie life!





2016年7月上海华人文化电影院线有限公司成立,于2019年4月,CMC Inc.华人文化集团公司获得了国家电影局颁发的跨省电影院线牌照。


In July 2016, the Shanghai CMC Cinemas Co.Ltd. was established. In April 2019, CMC obtained the cross-provincial cinema chain license issued by the China Film Administration.





The Chinese Culture Cinema Line is UME centric, adhere to the line of excellence, continue to adjunct to the concept of ultimate movie experience, combine with the group's advantages, explore a new film culture and entertainment model in the pan-cultural field, and create a pan-cultural communication benchmark. The new concept continues to lead the new fashion of Chinese films.





Till June 2023, CMC Inc. has managed and operated 59 cinemas retailers. In the future, the Chinese Culture Cinema Line is going to expand the output of theater light asset management, film investment and distribution based on the expansion of the scale of theater operation and management.



【关于华人文化集团公司(CMC Inc.)】




CMC Inc. is a leading comprehensive media and entertainment company in China, established in 2015 and headquartered in Shanghai, Beijing, and Hong Kong.




CMC Inc. focuses on developing high-quality content, creating innovative experiences, and leading emerging consumption. It runs online and offline, implements cross-regional group operations, and deploys film and television dramas, variety shows, documentaries, games, lifestyle and consumption, information, live entertainment, cultural business travel, sports, and other business fields, creating a leading content cluster and a comprehensive collaborative ecosystem with progressive advantages.
